Shararat ka Anjaam
Elizabeth Grieg
Asif’s naughty pranks endangered not only his own life but also that of his brother. What would have happened had God not sent help just in time!
16 pages (2670)
آصف کی شرارت نے ایک دفعہ اپنی اور اپنے بھائی انور کی جان کو بڑے خطرے میں ڈال دیا۔ اگر عین وقت پر خدا ن کی مدد کے لۓ ن کے دوستوں اور ماسٹر جی کونہ بھیجتا تونہ جانے کیا ہوجاتا!۔
Shararat ka Anjaam
Elizabeth Grieg
Asif’s naughty pranks endangered not only his own life but also that of his brother. What would have happened had God not sent help just in time!
16 pages (2670)
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