Yasu Masih Izwaye Bible Muqadas

يسوع مسیح از روئے بائبل مقدس

کیا یسوع ناصری المسیح ہے؟ کیا وہ ابن خدا ہے؟ کیا وہ جی اُٹھا ؟ ان جیسے متعدد سوالات کا جواب معلوم کر کے نئے طور سے مسیح کی عظمت کو

What the Bible Teaches About Jesus
Geoffrey Grogan
Jesus of Nazareth arouses interest, suspicion, love and hatred in every age. Is He the Christ? What is meant by ‘Son of God’? Did He really rise from the dead? While discovering the answers to these and many other questions, the reader will be irresistibly drawn to the Lord Jesus in trust, thanksgiving, love, service and worship.
206 pages (2784)


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