The lessons are handpicked in a way where parents and children can spend time together and get an opportunity to discover the heart of God from Genesis to Revelation. The children will read certain Bible passages with cach leson, answer a few questions, memorize one or two bible verses throughout each week, and help them tamiliarize themselves with Bible facts, such as how many chapters each book of the Bible contains and understand the theme, purpose, and synopris of each book
Furthermore, cach lesson has a “For Your Information” section, which will broaden their general knowledge and add fun facts that will excite their lives. The pations of the world sections will enhance their understanding in coming familiar with each country, its capital, in which continent it is located, and some well in facts about the people and land. Ar the end of each lesson, quotes from famous people are added to inqire the children. Each lesson should be followed by discussion and a closing prayer
On the final day of each week, there is a Work in Renes devotional which challenges the children to remember what they have leamed that week. In additive, each review contains an activity page, souff as a word search or coloring page
It is the deepestadesire of the auther that the coming generations will feel closer to God hy knowing His words and the importance of His Blood, which has been shed on cross for us. The goal of this family devotional series ist storreveal to our children the men who Jesus Christ is.
Journey to my Faith (VOLUME 1)
Journey to My Faith is a composition of four in-depth family Bible study devotionals, consisting of daily lensons that walk through the whole Bible. The main purpose is not only for the children to know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, but to also help them leam the importance of reading God’s Word and prayer, as well as how they can enrich their personal prayer life.
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